Started with a mail from Cvetan : “In order to assess the V0 performance one has to look at the single and di-muon spectra taken with C0M* and CM*7, both with and without phys selection, and for each beam-beam BC separately. Who can produce these?”

Run 230301 - Fill 3992 - 50ns_476b_414_32_397_72bpi10inj

Dumb method : run once the AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal to get the BCX histogram to know the bunch crossing numbers : bunch-crossing IDs = 2404, 2406, 2408 .. 2462 (train, 30 bunches) and 2472 and 2474.

Then add an event selection IsBCX method to AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal :

Bool_t AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::IsBCX(const AliVEvent& event, const Int_t bunchCrossingNumber) const
 return Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber() == bunchCrossingNumber;

void AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::NameOfIsBCX(TString& name, const Int_t bunchCrossingNumber) const

And use it in the AddTaskMuMuMinv… Seems to bog down the SAF => too much memory used ?

So instead I’m adding histograms per BCX, for a given event selection (i.e. either physics selected or not)… => a bit more intrusive in the code itself (AliAnalysisMuMuSingle.cxx), but it’s working fine…

TH1* h = Histo(eventSelection,triggerClassName,centrality,trackCutName,Form("PtEtaMu%s",charge.Data()));


TH1* hbcx = Histo(eventSelection,triggerClassName,centrality,trackCutName,Form("PtEtaMu%sBCX%d",charge.Data(),Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber()));

if (!hbcx)
  hbcx = static_cast<TH1*>(h->Clone(Form("PtEtaMu%sBCX%d",charge.Data(),Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber())));

Results : CMUL7 / C0MUL

BCX ratio for sRABSETA tracks in all events BCX ratio for sRABSETA tracks in V0BB events ratio of pT spectra for sRABSETA tracks in all events ratio of pT spectra for sRABSETA tracks in V0BB events

where V0BB is a VZERO-only physics selection :

Bool_t AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::IsV0BB(const AliVEvent& event) const
Event()->GetVZEROData()->GetV0ADecision() == AliVVZERO::kV0BB &&
Event()->GetVZEROData()->GetV0CDecision() == AliVVZERO::kV0BB ;

The conclusion is that the effect (on physics selected events) is small (1-2%) and not BCX-dependent (at least < 1%)