Started with a mail from Cvetan : “In order to assess the V0 performance one has to look at the single and di-muon spectra taken with C0M* and CM*7, both with and without phys selection, and for each beam-beam BC separately. Who can produce these?”
Run 230301 - Fill 3992 - 50ns_476b_414_32_397_72bpi10inj
Dumb method : run once the AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal
to get the BCX histogram to know the bunch crossing numbers : bunch-crossing IDs = 2404, 2406, 2408 .. 2462 (train, 30 bunches) and 2472 and 2474.
Then add an event selection IsBCX method to AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal
Bool_t AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::IsBCX(const AliVEvent& event, const Int_t bunchCrossingNumber) const
return Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber() == bunchCrossingNumber;
void AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::NameOfIsBCX(TString& name, const Int_t bunchCrossingNumber) const
And use it in the AddTaskMuMuMinv… Seems to bog down the SAF => too much memory used ?
So instead I’m adding histograms per BCX, for a given event selection (i.e. either physics selected or not)… => a bit more intrusive in the code itself (AliAnalysisMuMuSingle.cxx), but it’s working fine…
TH1* h = Histo(eventSelection,triggerClassName,centrality,trackCutName,Form("PtEtaMu%s",charge.Data()));
TH1* hbcx = Histo(eventSelection,triggerClassName,centrality,trackCutName,Form("PtEtaMu%sBCX%d",charge.Data(),Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber()));
if (!hbcx)
hbcx = static_cast<TH1*>(h->Clone(Form("PtEtaMu%sBCX%d",charge.Data(),Event()->GetBunchCrossNumber())));
Results : CMUL7 / C0MUL
where V0BB is a VZERO-only physics selection :
Bool_t AliAnalysisMuMuGlobal::IsV0BB(const AliVEvent& event) const
Event()->GetVZEROData()->GetV0ADecision() == AliVVZERO::kV0BB &&
Event()->GetVZEROData()->GetV0CDecision() == AliVVZERO::kV0BB ;
The conclusion is that the effect (on physics selected events) is small (1-2%) and not BCX-dependent (at least < 1%)