The proper way to test for reconstruction modules in HLT (according to David Rorh) is to use the HLT/exe/recraw-local.C macro. See also TPC_Offline_HOWTOS

The idea is to launch, prior to the recraw-local.C itself, another macro that will setup the HLT chain to be ran.

aliroot -b -q preClusteringChain.C+ recraw-local.C

where in recraw-local.C the hltOptions parameter is set to the sink of the chain defined in the prior macro (preClusteringChain.C in this example)

The prior macro is something like (sparing the list of includes to save space) :

void preClusteringChain()
  AliHLTSystem* pHLT = AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance();



  // Build the DDL file publishers using AliRawReaderPublisher components.
  TString cmd;
  TString pubName;
  TString sources = "";

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {

    sources += pubName + " ";

    Int_t ddlId = 2560+i;
    cmd.Form("-skipempty -minid %d -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'MUON'  -dataspec 0x%06x",ddlId,(1<<i));
    new AliHLTConfiguration(pubName.Data(),"AliRawReaderPublisher",NULL,cmd.Data());

  AliHLTConfiguration digitLoader("digitLoader","MUONDigitLoader",sources.Data(),"-cdbpath local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB -run 0");

  AliHLTConfiguration preClustering("preClustering","MUONPreclusterFinder","digitLoader","-cdbpath local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB -run 0");

  AliHLTConfiguration clWriting("clWriting","MUONClusterWriter","preClustering","-datafile MUON.RecPoints.root");

So in that case the recraw-local.C should have the parameter hltOptions set to chains=clWriting (i.e. the “end-point” of the chain setup by the prior macro)

void recraw_local(const char   *filename="/alice/data/2011/LHC11h/000169099/raw/11000169099032.133.FILTER_RAWMUON_WITH_ALIPHYSICS_vAN-20150213.root",
		  const char *cdbURI="raw://",
		  int minEvent=-1,
		  int maxEvent=-1,
		  const char *modules="HLT",
		  const char *hltOptions="chains=clWriting ignore-hltout loglevel=0x7c",
		  const char *cdbDrain=NULL)

Worth noting as well is that the components used in the chain must not try to set the default OCDB storage, as this is done already in the reconstruction.