This page is a short recap of what I have done to migrate my development environment from the usage of the alice-env.conf way of installing things to the new alibuild way.

The main issue is that I’m used to work with different workdirs, one for each major branch I’m developping in.

For instance, for AliRoot, my existing setup was :

> ls  -1 ~/alicesw/aliroot

Those directories actually contains 3 subdirectories : src, build and inst (or only 1, src, if the installation has been removed for some reason)

> tree -a  -L 2 -I ".DS_Store|git"
├── feature-muonhlt
│   ├── build
│   ├── inst
│   └── src
├── master
│   └── src
├── master-cxx11
│   ├── build
│   ├── inst
│   └── src
├── reco-2016
│   ├── build
│   ├── inst
│   └── src
├── tc-17
│   ├── build
│   ├── inst
│   └── src

git is the actual original clone while all the other directories were made using the (now depreacated, btw, see below) git-new-wordir script, meaning a lot of their .git was pointing back to the original one.

> ls -al ~/alicesw/aliroot/master/src/.git
ls -al .git
total 3424
drwxr-xr-x+ 18 laurent  staff      612  8 avr 15:54 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 86 laurent  staff     2924 23 mar 16:32 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 laurent  staff       84  7 avr 18:56 COMMIT_EDITMSG
-rw-r--r--@  1 laurent  staff      329 17 déc 11:22
-rw-r--r--+  1 laurent  staff    10964  8 avr 09:22 FETCH_HEAD
-rw-r--r--+  1 laurent  staff       23  8 avr 09:22 HEAD
-rw-r--r--+  1 laurent  staff       41  8 avr 09:22 ORIG_HEAD
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       46 16 déc  2014 config -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/config
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       45 16 déc  2014 hooks -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/hooks
-rw-r--r--+  1 laurent  staff  1686150  8 avr 09:22 index
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       44 16 déc  2014 info -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/info
drwxr-xr-x+  4 laurent  staff      136  6 jan 15:06 logs
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       47 16 déc  2014 objects -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/objects
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       51 16 déc  2014 packed-refs -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/packed-refs
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       44 16 déc  2014 refs -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/refs
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       47 16 déc  2014 remotes -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/remotes
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       48 16 déc  2014 rr-cache -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/rr-cache
lrwxr-xr-x   1 laurent  staff       43 16 déc  2014 svn -> /Users/laurent/alicesw/aliroot/git/.git/svn

In the alibuild world, the way to avoid to have a clone made for any package when using the aliBuild init -z AliRoot destdir command is to prepare the destdir and pre-populate it with an AliRoot clone before issuing the command. Mind the case, it has to be AliRoot, not aliroot or ALIROOT or aliRoot… (the actual case is to be found in the Package key of the alidist recipe for the package, see e.g. alidist/

But to avoid wasting space and to retain all the information about my local branches (and being able to share that information between different working directories) I’d prefer use worktrees, which should be the modern way of doing the equivalent of git-new-workdir

The worktree stuff is not completely ideal. At least I did not succeed to get let’s say a bare repo and several worktrees (including one with master). The problem being that the bare repo is itself considered at master, so one cannot checkout a master branch in a worktree (could use the -f option to force when doing worktree add but then a pull in the master worktree with convert the bare repo in a strange state, i.e. a directory without a .git directory but a checkout = workdir…). So I ended up having the primary clone be at master and the other worktress at different branches.

I chose the following simple naming convention transformation :

aliroot/xxx -> aliroot-xxx/AliRoot

So the recipe (pun intended ;-) ) to go from my old directories to the new structure is the following.

  • Move the primary clone from ~/alicesw/aliroot/git to NEWWORKDIR/AliRoot (where NEWWORKDIR is currently ~/o2/o2work on my machine, for the record).

  • For each (git-new-)workdir xxx in ~/alicesw/aliroot :

    1. create a subdirectory NEWWORKDIR/aliroot-xxx
    2. create a worktree under that subdirectory : cd NEWWORKDIR/AliRoot; git worktree add ../aliroot-xxx/AliRoot xxx where I assume here that xxx is the actual name of a branch in my primary (local) clone.
    3. cd NEWWORKDIR/aliroot-xxx
    4. run aliBuild -z -w ../sw build AliRoot --disable GEANT3,GEANT4,GEANT4_VMC,fastjet,HepMC,EPOS,JEWEL

The resulting structure is something like this :

├── aliroot-feature-muonhlt
│   ├── AliRoot
│   └── alidist
├── aliroot-master
│   ├── AliRoot -> ../AliRoot
│   └── alidist
├── aliroot-reco-2016
│   └── Aliroot
│   └── alidist
├── aliroot-tc-17
│   └── AliRoot
│   └── alidist

Note the master being a direct link to the “primary” clone, all the other ones were created with the git worktree command.

Then to build use :

> cd $HOME/o2/o2work/aliroot-master
> aliBuild -z -w ../sw-run2 -d build AliRoot --disable GEANT3,GEANT4,GEANT4_VMC,fastjet,HepMC,EPOS,JEWEL

(there was an issue at first, fixed in JIRA 6678)

Note that in the above the destination directory is sw-run2 while the default is assumed to be sw, so one then has to specify it in the subsequent alienv command, e.g. :

> alienv -w $HOME/o2/o2work/sw-run2 q
> alienv -w $HOME/o2/o2work/sw-run2 enter VO_ALICE@AliRoot::latest-aliroot-reco-2016

or, simpler yet, have the WORK_DIR environment variable defined to point to it.

To setup a directory to work on an existing remote branch, use the worktree command and give the name of the remote branch as the last argument :

> mkdir ~/alicesw/run3/aliroot-ed-detector-experts
> cd ~/alicesw/repos/AliRoot 
> git worktree add ../../run3/aliroot-ed-detector-experts/Aliroot ed-detector-experts
> cd ~/alicesw/run3/aliroot-ed-detector-experts
> git clone -b IB/v5-08/prod
> aliBuild -z -w ../sw -d build AliRoot --disable GEANT3,GEANT4,GEANT4_VMC,fastjet,HepMC,EPOS,JEWEL

In the end I decided on an organization where I have one directory will all the “master” clones I’m interested in, and two separate directories for the legacy (aka Run2) work and the new (aka Run3) work.

├── repos
│   ├── AliPhysics
│   ├── AliRoot
│   ├── FairRoot
│   ├── O2
│   └── ROOT
├── run2
│   ├── aliroot-master
│   ├── aliroot-reco-2016
│   ├── aliroot-tc-17
│   └── sw
└── run3
    ├── aliroot-ed-detector-experts
    └── aliroot-feature-muonhlt
    └── sw

The distinction between the two being made by aliases changing the value of the WORK_DIR environment variable :

run2=`export WORK_DIR=~/alicesw/run2/sw`
run3=`export WORK_DIR=~/alicesw/run3/sw`

Finally, to start working on a new directory for aliroot or o2 with a local dev repo, just prepare the directory with the relevant worktree before issuing the alibuild init -z directory command.

> cd ~/alicesw/run3
> mkdir o2-dev
> cd ~/alicesw/repos/O2
> git worktree add ~/alicesw/run3/o2-dev/O2 upstream/dev
> cd ~/alicesw/run3/
> alibuild init -z o2-dev

The last command above will simply make a clone of alidist under o2-dev (at the same level as the O2 worktree).

Then good to go for the full build command :

cd ~/alicesw/run3/o2-dev
alibuild -z -w ~/alicesw/run3/sw --disable fastjet,GEANT4,GEANT4_VMC,HepMC,EPOS,JEWEL,DDS build O2