Access to Docker server

To access to the underlying VM (Alpine Linux), use :

screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty 

And hit enter to get to the login. Username is root and no password…

Which I aliases do dvm

That way one can peek to the volumes for instance (under /var/lib/docker/volumes)…

Getting list of dangling volumes

(volumes that used to be attached to now deleted containers)

docker volume ls -qf dangling=true

And to get rid of those simply use :

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)

Not enough disk space…

In order to build e.g. Root6 within a container, the default 20 GB of the xhyve VM (from Docker Mac Beta) seems to be insufficient…

Using the information from that post from the docker mac beta forum I was able to increase the size to 30 GB. It’s a two stage process : first increase the size of the VM image and then resize the filesystem from within the VM.

qemu-img resize Docker.qcow2 +10G
qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=Docker.qcow2 -cdrom $HOME/Downloads/gparted-live-0.26.0-2-i686.iso -boot d -m 512 -device usb-mouse -usb

(and from parted, just let the docker partition take all the available space)

Note that in this end I had to “Reset to factory” Docker Beta as it was stuck at some point…

Working with X11 applications

see and also

From the second post I’ve updated the docker.zsh script from my dotfiles repo. The basic idea is to first insure the Xquartz setup is correct using the xquartz_if_not_running shell function and then call the docker run command with the proper -e DISPLAY and -v /tmp/.X11-unix etc options (see below).

xhost +
docker run -d --name firefox -e DISPLAY=${ip}:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix jess/firefox
docker run -it -e DISPLAY=${ip}:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix aphecetche/centos7-ali-root5:v1

Made a xdrun alias for that.

Recover an orphaned docker volume for a data container