Probable cable swapping

Following work done by Philippe Pillot concerning the comparison of the cluster maps for real data and simulated ones (see HitMaps for LHC16n) we found a suspicious thing in CH3L top (DE 301). Looks like the HV cables might be swapped between sector 1 and 2 (out of 3).

If we look at slide 4 of the presentation above, we see :

Chamber3 Hit Maps

that in the data 2 HV sectors are dead, while in the simulation only 1 is killed by the status map. One plausible explanation for this observation is that the sector that has been found dead by the status map is incorrectly mapped and hence 2 sectors end up dead (the real one that is dead and the one erroenously mapped).

To confirm this fully would require a reconstruction without any HV cut, but we can already see a hint of confirmation by looking at the occupancy maps for that chamber and one of the affected runs, 260700 :

Occupancy map for Chamber3 in run 260700

where we can indeed see that sector 2, not sector 1, seems a bit weak…

Using a scan of the HV values for the 698 runs of the periods LHC16h - LHC16p (the interesting part of the 2016 pp run) :

AliMUONTrackerHV hv("runlist.2016.txt","local:///cvmfs/")
hv.Scan(1); > scan.hv.2016.log

one can investigate a bit the behaviour of that sector. We find 11 runs where the HV status is not “normal” (labelled “Brave New World” in the log file, see AliMUONCalibrationData::PatchHVValues method for more details)

> grep "DE  301" scan.hv.2016.log | grep -v "Brave New World" | grep "Quad1Sect0" | grep ": RUN" | cut -c 40-45

Struggling HVs

Besides this probable mapping problem, the channel itself (whatever one it is really) has some strange behavior, where it starts a run at nominal value but then decrease to around 1400 V and fluctuates there.

RUN 260695 - CH3L - “Quad2Sect1” RUN 260751 - CH3L - “Quad2Sect1”

The current “HV cleaning” algorithm defined in AliMUONCalibrationData::PatchHVValues currently does not detect this pattern and considers the channel is OK. Which is problably not, is it not ?

Actually this behavior is not limited to CH3. See below examples of other channels showing a somewhat similar pattern, where it seems the HV power supply is “struggling” to stay at nominal voltage, without tripping…

RUN 260780 - CH7L - Slat07 RUN 260781 - CH7L - Slat07 RUN 260804 - CH7L - Slat07 RUN 260936 - CH7L - Slat07 RUN 261027 - CH9L - Slat13 RUN 260780 - CH10L - Slat04

The question now is how to deal with those channels, which are currently not rejected at all during the reconstruction. Should they be ?

Patching the OCDB

After muon_calo_pass1 we decided to patch the OCDB itself instead of the AliRoot code. That is tweak the HV map from MUON/Calib/HV to swap Quad2Sect1 and Quad2Sect2 in Chamber03Left, using the following code :

#include "AliAnalysisTriggerScalers.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
#include "TMap.h"
#include "AliCDBManager.h"
#include "AliMUONCDB.h"
#include "AliDCSValue.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

void PatchCDB(const char* runlist, const char* runlist1400, const char* srcOCDBPath="alien://folder=/alice/data/2016/OCDB", const char* destOCDBPath="alien://folder=/alice/")
    // function to patch the OCDB MUON/Calib/HV for the swap of CH3L Q2S1 and Q2S2
    // runlist = full list of runs where Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 has an HV problem (trips, too low, plus the 1400 V
    // below)
    // runlist1400 = list of runs where Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 was struggling at 1400 V
    // for the runs in runlist1400, the HV will be forced to zero for that sector
    // note that Chamber03Left/Quad2Sect1 = Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect0 in DCS alias world
  AliAnalysisTriggerScalers ts(runlist,srcOCDBPath);

  std::vector<int> vrunlist = ts.GetRunList();

  AliAnalysisTriggerScalers ts1400(runlist1400,srcOCDBPath);
  std::vector<int> vrunlist1400 = ts1400.GetRunList();

  AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();

  TObjString sector2("MchHvLvLeft/Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect0.actual.vMon");
  TObjString sector1("MchHvLvLeft/Chamber02Left/Quad1Sect1.actual.vMon");

  for ( auto r : vrunlist )
      std::cout << "Run " << r << std::endl;

      AliCDBEntry* entry = man->Get("MUON/Calib/HV");
      TMap* hvmap = static_cast<TMap*>(entry->GetObject()->Clone());

      TPair* p1 = hvmap->RemoveEntry(&sector2);

      if ( std::find(vrunlist1400.begin(),vrunlist.end(),r) != vrunlist1400.end() )
        TObjArray* a1 = static_cast<TObjArray*>(p1->Value());
        AliDCSValue* first = static_cast<AliDCSValue*>(a1->First());
        AliDCSValue* last = static_cast<AliDCSValue*>(a1->Last());
        a1->Add(new AliDCSValue(0.0f,first->GetTimeStamp()));
        a1->Add(new AliDCSValue(0.0f,last->GetTimeStamp()));
      TPair* p2 = hvmap->RemoveEntry(&sector1);

      hvmap->Add(new TObjString(sector2),p2->Value());
      hvmap->Add(new TObjString(sector1),p1->Value());

      delete p1->Key();
      delete p2->Key();

      hvmap->SetUniqueID( hvmap->GetUniqueID() | ( 1 << 9 ) );
      AliMUONCDB::WriteToCDB(hvmap,"MUON/Calib/HV",r,r,"Patched for CH3L Quad2Sect1 vs 0 swapping","L. Aphecetche");

where runlist contains 51 runs :


and runlist.1400 has 8 runs :

  • 266518 is fluctuating and is currently incorrectly identified as OK by the offline HV cutter
  • 266587 is currently incorrectly identified as OK by the offline HV cutter
  • 266588 is at 1473 V for the full run so correctly rejected by the HV cutter
  • 266618 is fluctuating and currently incorrectly identified as OK by the offline HV cutter
  • 266619 is fluctuating but globally too low so correctly reject by the HV cutter
  • 266700 has tripped (so correctly rejected)
  • 266800 has tripped
  • 266940 is a mess ;-) (ramp-up, fluctuating, then too low), but is correctly rejected

Even if some runs are correctly rejected by the offline HV cutter, I did not want to take any chance, so I explicitely (in the code above) killed sector Quad2Sect1 for those runs to insure it will be rejected offline.