# 4th MRRTF Hackathon
### Laurent Aphecetche
#### 09 May 2017
# Agenda
- Introduction (this presentation)
- Coding
- Coding
- Coding
- Coding
- Retrospective (thursday afternoon)
# General O2 news
## Bye bye Computing Working Groups
## Hello [Work Packages](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D2U1xr1QNEaRiP3nezYcsrfti0cnBuDmjtHH_BRWFI4)
## Have a look at [WP descriptions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D2U1xr1QNEaRiP3nezYcsrfti0cnBuDmjtHH_BRWFI4)
- WP1 (data model)
- WP3 (common tools and software infrastructure)
- WP4 (O2 software framework)
- WP11 (ALFA)
- WP12 (detector simulation)
- WP13 (reconstruction and calibration)
## Also relevant for some of us
- WP6 (detector readout)
- WP7 (data quality control)
- WP9 (event display)
- WP10 (CCDB)
- WP14 (analysis framework and facilities)
- WP15 (data management)
# Planning
My input to WP12 and WP13 documents should be continued :
- tasks split into more manageable pieces
- tasks entered into JIRA for follow-up
- brainstormed a bit...
## Low-tech planning tools...
# Agile
## @last offline week Giulio tossed the idea of using Agile methods for O2
## Scrum (one Agile method)
- looks indeed interesting
- might be (at least partly) applicable to us
## Would you be interested in a presentation about Scrum ?
## So we can answer the question ...
## Can Snails Sprint ?
## My work since last hackathon
- [mrrtf](https://mrrtf.github.io) org [on github](https://github.com/mrrtf)
- [alo](https://gitpitch.com/mrrtf/alo)
- [sampa](https://github.com/mrrtf/sampa) (wip)
- lots of (wasted ?) time playing with [gitpitch](https://gitpitch.com), [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) and
## [your work here]
# <i class="fa fa-comments-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- Slack as usual
- Vidyo
- only this morning and thursday afternoon
- unless required