# The MCH Mapping
## A PIP for a WIP
### Laurent Aphecetche
#### 19 Jun 2017
# Talk's purpose
### Refresher about MCH mapping concepts
### Some ideas on its implementation evolution
# The Big Picture
# MCH Detector Parts
- stations and chambers
- detection elements
* sectors
* slats
* planes
- ddls
- buspatches
- manus
- pads
## Stations (st) and Chambers (ch)
### 5 stations, 2 chambers each
### = 10 chambers
## 10 chambers
## Detection Elements (de)
### Elementary parts of the detector
### (re-moveable and hence should be aligned)
### 156 units
## Sectors and slats
### Stations 1 and 2 : sectors (a.k.a. quadrants)
#### 8 units, 2 types
### Stations 3,4 and 5 : slats
#### 148 units, 19 types
## Planes
### Each DE has two planes
### Bending (b) & Non-Bending (nb) plane
### A plane is a set of pads
## Motifs
### A group of <= 64 pads
### One FEE card
### 283 types (171 for slats)
## <i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i> work
## DDLs & Buspatches
## GBTs and CRUs
## Voltages
## Numbers recap (Run 2)
- 20 DDLs
- 156 DEs
- 888 buspatches
- 16828 manus
- 1064008 pads
## Numbers recap (Run 3)
- ~25 CRUs
- 156 DEs
- ~600 elinks
- 16828 dual sampas
- 1064008 pads
# The Mapping Roles
## Finding pads
- by (ix,iy)
- by (x,y)
- by (fee,channel)
### a.k.a. Segmentation
## Linking R/O and segmentation
- DE <-> DDLs
- DE <-> buspatches
- DDL <-> buspatches
- buspatches <-> FEE
## Linking DCS and segmentation
- manu <-> HV
- DE <-> LV
## Each role used in different parts of the code
- find by position : clustering
- R/O to pad : raw data decoding
- HV/LV : data filtering
# Current (Run2) Implementation
## Text files
- 666 (!) text files <i class="fa fa-file-text-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- several different formats (custom)
- interpreted w/ custom readers <i class="fa fa-filter" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- used to construct objects hierarchy
- Text files [ <i class="fa fa-compress" aria-hidden="true"></i> in 1 ROOT obj in OCDB <i class="fa fa-database" aria-hidden="true"></i> ]
- Still treated as text files
## All or nothing
### one single (big) set of objects
- in memory (but designed to be compact)
- all the time
- for all purposes
# Next (Run3) Implementation
## Data source format
- custom and small text files were nice
- when developping the mapping
- but mapping is now known and fixed
- still, human readable stays usefull
## Use JSON as the only text format
- still human readable / writeable
- but parser(s)'s coming "for free" this time
- in whatever language
## Limit the number of files
### one per "detector level" (ch,de,seg,etc...)
## Generators
- don't (necessarily) use JSON directly
- generate code for trivial/small things
- generate binary format(s) (e.g. FlatBuffers)
- be more "functional" and less OO ?
## Split mapping
### natural level of work(*) is DE
### <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
### one (binary) mapping <i class="fa fa-file-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> per DE
(*) up to tracking
## Status : txt <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="devicons devicons-javascript" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- berg <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- bp <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- ch <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- ddl <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- de <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- motif <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>(for slats)
- pcb <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- slat <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- sector
... _modulo_ tests, of course ...
see [https://github.com/mrrtf/alo/blob/master/jsonmap/mch-mapping-convert-to-json.cxx](https://github.com/mrrtf/alo/blob/master/jsonmap/mch-mapping-convert-to-json.cxx)
## Next Steps
- code the reverse conversion <i class="devicons devicons-javascript" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> txt
- to check all information is actually still there...
- (re)write **tests**
- generate some code and some binary format
# <i class="fa fa-question" aria-hidden="true"></i> or <i class="fa fa-commenting" aria-hidden="true"></i>